Holiday Gift Baskets: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles
I just had to tempt you with a picture right away on these little treats! Perfect little bites that may be hard to keep from eating before it's time to put them in my holiday gift baskets... so, I'll have to put them together quick and give them away this week!
These little treats are from the The Cookie Dough Lover's Cookbook: Cookies, Cakes, Candies, and More
They are so easy to make it would be crazy NOT to include them in your gift baskets this holiday season. The cookie dough comes together in a flash... then, you just need to melt the chocolate candy melts and dip away.
I added some festive blue and white sprinkles for Hanukkah! You could add whatever sprinkles you want depending on the holiday... some pink and white would be perfect for Valentine's Day or even maybe some sparkly sprinkles would be a nice touch for a New Year's Eve party.
This recipe was the inspiration for Lindsey of Love and Olive Oil to devote an entire cookbook to cookie dough recipes. The original recipe can be found at her website HERE and while you are there, you can find some other really amazing treats that will have you drooling all over your keyboard!
I let each of My Boys have a "sample" of these treats and I think they both were trying to figure out ways to dig in for more! I made them small and perfectly bite-sized... I think these will have to be added to my gift basket list going forward... I've got a few treats that I always make such as the Raspberry Thumbprints, Cinnamon Chip Snickerdoodles and Rainbow Cookies... just to name a few!
What holiday baking do you do? Are there certain treats your family or friends expect you to bake every year?
Note: The link to the cookbook will take you to Amazon where you can find out more about the cookbook and purchase, if you choose to. If you purchase via the link, I will receive a small referral fee.

Please note that all photos and content belong to Patsy Kreitman, unless otherwise noted. If you want to use something please ask first.