Simple Salad for Dinner (Penzey's Trinidad Seasoning)
If you are in the Northeast, you may have noticed the sudden change in the weather... we had a gorgeous Saturday for our Little League Opening Day. The forecast had some teams worried they wouldn't get their games in, but My Oldest had the first game of the day after the festivities were finished.
Just had to share this shot... it's not often My Oldest will show his emotion during a game. He was the first player to score a run, and even stole a couple of bases in the process. Yep, that was something to smile about!
Much of Saturday was spent outside enjoying the weather while we still could because... Sunday was a total washout! We spent a bit of time running errands and after doing that in the cold rain, we decided it was a soup kind of day. My Husband made his Hearty Vegetable Soup and it truly hit the spot!
The rain was pretty much over by mid-morning today, but the chill in the air was still lingering. In spite of that, I decided it was time to break out one of the Penzey's spice blends I picked up recently.
Have you been to a Penzey's or ordered from their catalog? I'm absolutely thrilled we now have one locally in N.J. in Summit... just a short drive away and I can restock as needed! Also, it gives me a chance to check out their blends and get a whiff of them before committing to buying them. That's how I ended up with the Trinidad Garlic and Lemon Marinade.
I used it very simply... I sprinkled it over boneless, skinless chicken breasts and then rubbed it into them. I didn't think ahead, so the amount of time the seasoning sat on the chicken was not very long - next time, I'll plan ahead and let it 'marinate' for at least an hour. Even without doing that, I sauteed the chicken in a bit of canola oil and the taste was so light and refreshing!
I sliced up the chicken so that we could enjoy it over a simple salad. I can see a lot of uses for this seasoning... especially, as we really begin using our grill more with the warm weather. I'm thinking that it would work beautifully on shrimp or fish... maybe fish tacos are in our future!
Do you have a favorite seasoning blend? If so, tell me about it!
Note: I did not receive any product or compensation for this post... I happen to really love Penzey's products.
Please note that all photos and content belong to Patsy Kreitman, unless otherwise noted. If you want to use something please ask first.
Just had to share this shot... it's not often My Oldest will show his emotion during a game. He was the first player to score a run, and even stole a couple of bases in the process. Yep, that was something to smile about!
Much of Saturday was spent outside enjoying the weather while we still could because... Sunday was a total washout! We spent a bit of time running errands and after doing that in the cold rain, we decided it was a soup kind of day. My Husband made his Hearty Vegetable Soup and it truly hit the spot!
The rain was pretty much over by mid-morning today, but the chill in the air was still lingering. In spite of that, I decided it was time to break out one of the Penzey's spice blends I picked up recently.
Have you been to a Penzey's or ordered from their catalog? I'm absolutely thrilled we now have one locally in N.J. in Summit... just a short drive away and I can restock as needed! Also, it gives me a chance to check out their blends and get a whiff of them before committing to buying them. That's how I ended up with the Trinidad Garlic and Lemon Marinade.
I used it very simply... I sprinkled it over boneless, skinless chicken breasts and then rubbed it into them. I didn't think ahead, so the amount of time the seasoning sat on the chicken was not very long - next time, I'll plan ahead and let it 'marinate' for at least an hour. Even without doing that, I sauteed the chicken in a bit of canola oil and the taste was so light and refreshing!
I sliced up the chicken so that we could enjoy it over a simple salad. I can see a lot of uses for this seasoning... especially, as we really begin using our grill more with the warm weather. I'm thinking that it would work beautifully on shrimp or fish... maybe fish tacos are in our future!
Do you have a favorite seasoning blend? If so, tell me about it!
Note: I did not receive any product or compensation for this post... I happen to really love Penzey's products.

Please note that all photos and content belong to Patsy Kreitman, unless otherwise noted. If you want to use something please ask first.