Eat. Live. Be. - Let's talk On-Line Motivation
This week's motivational quote:
Hard to believe it's already been one week since the Eat. Live. Be. Reboot began. Time to check in... really?
Do I want to admit that I didn't get in as many workouts as I had planned? Nope. Do I want to admit that I had a few more tastes of goodies than I should have since last week? Nope. But, here it is time to check in and share how things are going. So, that quote at the beginning of this post... well, that's getting printed out and taped to my computer monitor at work. A regular reminder to stick to my goals so I can get to where I want to be by staying focused.
No excuses... this time of year is not easy when it comes to sticking to healthy living goals. I did manage to track MOST of what I ate this past week. This was huge for me, and definitely an eye-opener because who wants to put down that they went back for seconds when they really weren't hungry for them... but, just wanted to taste them again? Not me! So, while I might have indulged in a few extra goodies, my overall portions were much smaller than they had been prior to starting back on the healthy living plan.
No weight lost... but, that could have been different if I had gotten in more workouts. That WILL change this week. I'm feeling pretty good (no more stuffy nose!) and I know that once I get started, I'll be very happy that I did. So, my big goal for the coming week? Well, it's to schedule those workouts and make sure they happen!!!
This week our topic is simply - on-line... where do we find motivation or ideas to help us stay on track. I have a few different on-line sources for inspiration to tell you about.
On Facebook, I "like" a few different pages and the updates often include inspirational quotes, reminders, new workout ideas or recipes.
Fit Friends is a great FB page because Gwen shares inspiration, workouts and healthy food ideas. She even asks others to share their healthy living ideas there as well. It's a great community to share healthy living ideas.
Dynamic Redhead is a personal trainer who posts inspirational quotes and some great thoughts that really make you take a step back and say... wow, that's so true! I need to remember that.
On Twitter I follow @SmashFit because throughout every day the updates are things to remember and more quotes that make me stop and think. If you check out her profile photo... you'll envy her arms! Wow!
Those are just a few of the places I look on-line to get my mind back where it needs to be if I am losing focus. And, believe me, going into the next week I'll be checking in with them frequently for those reminders that I really need.
Want to know what the other Eat. Live. Be. ladies are checking on-line for inspiration, ideas, motivation or whatever they need to stick to their healthy living goals? Head over to the Facebook page and all of the links are right there!
Please note that all photos and content belong to Patsy Kreitman, unless otherwise noted. If you want to use something please ask first.
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be.
-- David Viscott
-- David Viscott
Hard to believe it's already been one week since the Eat. Live. Be. Reboot began. Time to check in... really?
Do I want to admit that I didn't get in as many workouts as I had planned? Nope. Do I want to admit that I had a few more tastes of goodies than I should have since last week? Nope. But, here it is time to check in and share how things are going. So, that quote at the beginning of this post... well, that's getting printed out and taped to my computer monitor at work. A regular reminder to stick to my goals so I can get to where I want to be by staying focused.
No excuses... this time of year is not easy when it comes to sticking to healthy living goals. I did manage to track MOST of what I ate this past week. This was huge for me, and definitely an eye-opener because who wants to put down that they went back for seconds when they really weren't hungry for them... but, just wanted to taste them again? Not me! So, while I might have indulged in a few extra goodies, my overall portions were much smaller than they had been prior to starting back on the healthy living plan.
No weight lost... but, that could have been different if I had gotten in more workouts. That WILL change this week. I'm feeling pretty good (no more stuffy nose!) and I know that once I get started, I'll be very happy that I did. So, my big goal for the coming week? Well, it's to schedule those workouts and make sure they happen!!!
This week our topic is simply - on-line... where do we find motivation or ideas to help us stay on track. I have a few different on-line sources for inspiration to tell you about.
On Facebook, I "like" a few different pages and the updates often include inspirational quotes, reminders, new workout ideas or recipes.
Fit Friends is a great FB page because Gwen shares inspiration, workouts and healthy food ideas. She even asks others to share their healthy living ideas there as well. It's a great community to share healthy living ideas.
Dynamic Redhead is a personal trainer who posts inspirational quotes and some great thoughts that really make you take a step back and say... wow, that's so true! I need to remember that.
On Twitter I follow @SmashFit because throughout every day the updates are things to remember and more quotes that make me stop and think. If you check out her profile photo... you'll envy her arms! Wow!
Those are just a few of the places I look on-line to get my mind back where it needs to be if I am losing focus. And, believe me, going into the next week I'll be checking in with them frequently for those reminders that I really need.
Want to know what the other Eat. Live. Be. ladies are checking on-line for inspiration, ideas, motivation or whatever they need to stick to their healthy living goals? Head over to the Facebook page and all of the links are right there!
