Eat.Live.Be. - Facing Challenges

 The last week went by and I didn't get another post up to share something wonderful we ate or even something we did for that matter.  So, here we are and it's Monday and time for another check in with the Eat.Live.Be. For a Better 2011.

This week, we are sharing what we find challenging in working toward our goals.  My goals are a combination of working out and improving my running and losing the pounds I lost when I made Lifetime on Weight Watchers a few years ago... they didn't stay lost as I wanted them to, which leads me to my biggest challenge.  Eating Mindfully.

What on Earth do I mean by Eating Mindfully?  Well, anyone who has successfully lost weight and kept it off will tell you that it takes a combination of portion control, recognizing satisfaction and often journaling each and every bite you take.

One thing I can honestly admit that "helped" me find those pounds I lost was that I got over confident and stopped journaling and keeping track of what I was eating.  It sounds so simple, just write down what you have eaten - or even better write it down BEFORE you eat it - and you can keep yourself accountable.  But, you must be ready to dedicate yourself to this part of the process.  The first week I was back on WW, I tracked and counted points like a pro... then, the next week was hectic and a few bites here and there didn't get tracked and before I knew it I had a less than thrilling weigh-in.  Not to say that I gained back all that I had lost the first week, but just enough to recognize how important tracking what I eat is to meeting my goal.

Last week, I was much better at tracking and keeping my workouts where I needed them to be.  This week I am again off to a good start and sharing this here is keeping me motivated to want to share good results at the end of the month.  I know I can't count on a "big" loss each week, and I am realistic in what I hope to see when I do weigh-in... anything between .5 to 2 pounds a week and I'm considering it a success.

Like anything you want to change, creating new habits takes dedication.  I'm working hard to make my goals a reality over the coming months.  The say that it takes about 21 days for a new habit to form... for some people as long as 30-40 days, but I think the key is to keep working on the healthy habits so that eventually, they become second nature.  Things like portion size... pushing the plate away when satisfied and not stuffed... enjoying a couple bites of a fabulous dessert and knowing that's enough... tracking what I eat so I am Mindfully Eating and making choices so I can be a healthier person.

Don't forget to see what the other bloggers participating in Eat.Live.Be.  find challenging this week, and at the end of this post, share your links via Mr. Linky!

● Sarah - Sarah's Cucina Bella
● Cate - Sweetnicks 
● Maris - In Good Taste
● Chris - Mele Cotte
● Faith - Blog Appetit
● Kristen - Dine & Dish
● Emily - Three Boys and a Little Lady
● Jenna - FireMom
● Joanne - Eats Well With Others
● Casey - The Starnes Family
● Tri-Fit Mom -Trying to be Fit Mom
● Claire - Cooking is Medicine
● Allison - Sweet Flours
● Jen - NJ Epicurean

Please note that all photos and content belong to Patsy Kreitman, unless otherwise noted. If you want to use something please ask first.
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Joanne said…
I lost a substantial amount of weight a few years ago (about fifty pounds) through strict calorie counting. Then I got lax about it and thought I could just eat intuitively...and now here I am twenty pounds heavier and unhappy. Back to calorie counting it is! Definitely true that writing something down keeps you accountable!
Rivki Locker said…
I have been successful losing weight just by writing things down...with no official diet plan. Good luck!

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