Best in Class Sandwich Challenge from Arnold Breads

I recently found out that there is a "cooking" contest for kids! My Oldest loves sandwiches and is the process of brainstorming ideas for the contest below. Arnold Breads is looking for the Best in Class Sandwich from any child ages 6 to 18. The prizes are something worth winning: a $5,000 check to their school which can be used for computers, playground additions, or anything to improve your school. The winner will also win a $1,500 savings bond that can be used for future educational pursuits. Sounds like a great idea to me!

Here's some more information that the folks at Arnold sent to me:
Until May 4th, kids living in the designated contest area (noted in the rules below) can enter the Arnold Best in Class Sandwich Challenge, a contest to make a creative and well-balanced sandwich recipe using Arnold 100% Natural Soft Breads. Four winners from separate age groups will receive a $5,000 donation to their school and a $1,500 savings bond. Recipes should be submitted at

In addition to entering the contest, kids and parents can play together on the Arnold ā€œBest in Classā€ Web site, a fun and interactive resource for visitors to learn how to make well-balanced lunch choices in record time.

So, go find out if you live in the designated area (NJ and NY are definitely part of the area!), and get to work! The prizes are something that would be welcome in the current economy!
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LaDue & Crew saidā€¦
Darn, not in our area! Funny though, we have Orowheat brand out here that has the same logo... it must be the same company. Great contest though!
Cate O'Malley saidā€¦
Sounds like a fun contest for the kids!
Thistlemoon saidā€¦
What a cool idea!!!
Dragon saidā€¦
This sounds like fun!

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