Bookmarked Recipes Round-up
I'll start this week off with a recipe from Taste of Home's Healthy Cooking Magazine, Brussels Sprouts with Bacon. They were so good, My Boys ate them with huge smiles on their faces!
Next up, is Happy Cook from My Kitchen Treasures. She made Sour Cream Coffee Cake with Maple Drizzle that she found at Rosie Bake a Piece of Cake.
Katerina at Culinary Flavors in Greece found a recipe for Tiganites with Yogurt in a local paper called Ta Nea.
Christie from Wisconsin who writes Edible Antics, found a recipe for Gingerbread Cake in Grandma's Home Kitchen Cookbook.

Maggie from Dog Hill Kitchen joins in by sharing Corned Beef Glazed in Honey and Mustard. She found this recipe at Kevin's blog, Closet Cooking.

LaDue & Crew joins Bookmarked Recipes for the first time with a recipe she found in a free newspaper for Pears With Vanilla Poached Kumquats.
Tigerfish made Tamarind Chicken that was first found at Delicious Asian Food.
James from the Cotswold Food Year made Passionfruit Panna Cotta with Pistachio Tuile from The Passionate Cook.
Thanks everyone for your submissions!!! It's always exciting to see what people have been making and recreating as well as meeting some new bloggers.
Next week’s round up will be hosted by Cristie at Edible Antics - Having Fun with Food.
That's it for this week. Remember if you want to take part here's all you have to do....
1. Pick a recipe from a book/magazine/blog/website/tv show and make it. (Note you can only submit 1 recipe per week)
2. Blog about it
- include where you got the recipe in your blog post (including a link to their website if possible)
- include a link to this post or this blog in your blog post
- include the logo (see above) for Bookmarked Recipes in your blog post
- include a photo of your recreation on your blog post
3. Email bookmarkedrecipes[AT]gmail[DOT]com with the following information:
- Your name
- The name of your blog
- The URL of your blog
- The permalink for your entry
- A photo of your entry
- A note of where you got your recipe from
Thankyou for hosting.