Sausage and Peppers

I hope everyone enjoyed their Valentine's Day and were able to share it with those closest to them. I had a wonderful day with my family and we managed to stay home and just relax and be together. My kind of day! I have to enjoy these days while they last because spring will be here soon, and with that comes both of my boys in baseball, and a much busier schedule each day of the week.

Since we were staying in yesterday, My Husband decided to make dinner. I must say he's really good at grabbing things in the fridge and putting it all together into something that is really delicious. I know I'm lucky to have a man who likes to cook, and on occasion we will decide to cook up a special meal together. It's always nice having him in the kitchen with me as we pull those meals together.

So, for my Valentine's meal, he made a simple dish of Sausage & Peppers. What made this dish so good was that he carmelized sweet and purple onions, and an assortment of peppers. To this he added some grilled turkey sausage that he sliced up into easy to eat pieces. He threw it all together with some farfalle. I am not kidding when I tell you that this simple dish was absolutely delicious! After I went back for a second helping, I was thinking that the leftovers would reheat so nicely for lunch. Yum!
From Family, Friends and Food

Here are some other wonderful meals you may want to try:

Dragon's Kitchen shared Spinach, Ricotta & Sausage Lasagna
Jaden's Steamy Kitchen had Grilled Shrimp with Lemongrass & Ginger
Susan at Sticky, Gooey, Creamy, Chewy made Roast Chicken with Pancetta & Olives

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Chef E saidā€¦
Yum that looks good!
Linda saidā€¦
I make the Giada version of this and we love it!
LaDue & Crew saidā€¦
What a great guy! This is one of my favorite dishes, too! Glad you had a great day... I hear you on the baseball thing. We've had 12 years of Little League, Youth Sport's, Travel ball... Practice starts again this coming Wednesday- ugh!
Pam saidā€¦
How nice that your husband made dinner. I love sauasge and peppers together. Looks great.
Deborah Smith saidā€¦
I've got a big pack of sausage in the freezer and I was planning to cook for a few friends this weekend. I think this is a great idea. Thanks.

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