Quick and Easy and Only 3 Ingredients (Tortellini with Proscuitto)

Today, we are waiting for this huge snowstorm that is coming our way. In spite of no snow or rain falling at the time we woke up, our kids have a snow day today. At any rate, My Husband is attempting to work from home while the boys are doing their thing. Weā€™ll see how productive the day is by the time I get home. At any rate, for those in the Midwest who have already experienced the snowstorm effects, I hope you are all warm and cozyā€¦ and for those in the Northeast, letā€™s hope itā€™s not as bad as anticipated! I expect this kind of snow in late January or Februaryā€¦ but, not December!

As Iā€™ve mentioned before, I work outside the home so weeknights can be a bit of a challenge. Sometimes I get home and just donā€™t feel like pulling out a recipe I had marked for the night to make dinner. With My Husband working late the other night, I opted for a quick and simple dinner. When I say quick and simple, Iā€™m talking about 3 ingredients and on the table in about 15 minutes at the most! Rachael Ray would be proud!
tortellini 1

Now, this is not a gourmet meal by any means. It does use ingredients I had on hand and tend to have hanging around in one form or another all the time. I had some Barilla Spinach and Cheese Tortellini and some proscuitto. How can you go wrong with those two ingredients on their own? I chopped up the proscuitto and rendered it down in a skillet and some pieces even got to a nice crispy texture, Yum! I added about a Ā¼ cup of chicken broth to the proscuitto when it was nicely cooked, then threw in the cooked tortellini ā€“ figured a little moisture would be a good thing to bring it all together. I added a sprinkle of chopped parsley ā€“ but that was primarily to add some color.

The Boys practically inhaled it! Yep, simple works with them. This was good because it was one of those of nights where I needed to come up with something filling that they would enjoy. I had some for lunch the next day and it was still quite tasty. So, next time you have a night that nothing appeals to youā€¦ look in that pantry and fridge and see whatā€™s there. I imagine you have a quick and easy meal ready to go in a matter of minutes!

Looking for some other dinner time options? Here are the latest recipes Iā€™ve seen latelyā€¦ there are TONS of desserts and cookies, so it took a bit of searching to find these! After New Yearā€™s we may not find a sweet for a month since everyone will be working off those extra calories by then!
Try the Crispy Yogurt Chicken over at Annie's Eats... it looks quick, easy AND Kid-Friendly!
Over at Mary Ellen's Cooking Creations, she also emptied the fridge to create her Lasagna Rolls.
Or maybe your green beans need something more... head over to Closet Cooking and check out Kevin's Green Beans with Parmesan Bread Crumbs.
ps... as I am finishing this post, the snow has begun to fall. I'm sure My Boys are thrilled and will be out in it very soon!
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Sara saidā€¦
I love quick and easy meals, not every night has to be a unique culinary masterpiece! I make my more elaborate meals on weekends and simplify considerably on weekdays.
Shelby saidā€¦
I love quick and easy for weeknights especially! That storm just hit us about an hour ago...I'm heading home really soon!
That Girl saidā€¦
It may be quick and easy, but the colors are beautiful!
LaDue & Crew saidā€¦
I LOVE prosciutto! I love it wrapped around a bundle of asparagus or green beans and roasted too!
Chef E saidā€¦
My downfall with high blood pressure is I do not know when to stop eating a yummy dish like this! I am trying to decide what is for our dinner...more snow your way? St Louis while I was there got some, but up into Illinois my friend has nearly 4 inches, I built my first snow man in years...great for kids!
Karen saidā€¦
Did I miss something?? You added 1/4 cup of *what* to the proscuitto?? Can't wait to hear ;)
Anonymous saidā€¦
Quick easy meals are great.... = ) My mum and pop are on the East Coast... I wonder if they will get pounded...

Yikes.. I forgot all about the Freezing rain... ah the memories.
Anonymous saidā€¦
I wanted to come by and wish you a fabulous and warm Holiday!!! Thinking of you!!!

I sure bet you'll have fabulous eats too!!

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