Cocoa Nana Bread - Dorie Greenspan

Last weekend I just wanted to bake something so, I flipped through Dorie's wonderful cookbook, Baking From My Home to Yours. I came across her recipe for Cocoa Nana Bread. Dorie mentions in her introduction to the recipe that she's always looking for ways to make chocolate acceptable at breakfast and this was a recipe she came up with to do just that.

I made the bread and being a chocolate lover, the baking bread appealed to me immediately. It even brought my Oldest into the kitchen asking what was that yummy smell? It was hard to let it sit and wait to cool, but we managed. Everyone had one slice and the boys had the addition of a scoop of vanilla ice cream since we had it for dessert.

This is a really chocolatey bread, and it comes out more like a loaf cake than a bread. I can't say I would serve it at a breakfast or brunch. We felt it was more fitting as a dessert. It's very rich, and perhaps that is due to my substituting the bittersweet chocolate with milk chocolate and dark chocolate (had to use what I had on hand).

If you have a chocolate craving, this recipe will definitely satisfy you!

Cocoa-Nana Bread


That Girl saidā€¦
Now I can't get the Bill Cosby sketch about chocolate cake for breakfast out of my head.
test it comm saidā€¦
That bread looks nice and chocolaty and good!
Vicarious Foodie saidā€¦
This looks delicious! I made chocolate bread once before (different recipe) and I agree that, while it's very good, it's not exactly breakfast food. No problem there though--just save it for dessert!
RecipeGirl saidā€¦
Before I saw the pic I was thinking it was like CL's Marbled Chocolate Banana Bread- but it definitely looks more chocolatey! This one would appeal to my son for sure :)
Leah saidā€¦
I'm so excited right now because I have three bananas on my counter that are going to be perfect for this recipe! I'll make it tomorrow for an afternoon snack for the kiddos....thanks, Patsy!
Patsyk saidā€¦
Kate - you are too funny!

Kevin - if you like chocolate, this bread is for you.

Vicarious Foodie - I agree, this one is a dessert bread. We started calling it a "loaf-cake" since it was more like a cake than bread.

Recipegirl - let me know if you make it. My oldest LOVED it!

Leah - hope the kids enjoy it!

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