#EatLiveBe - Preparation {Recipe: Warm Barley Salad}
This week, I've been working on preparing and planning things ahead of time. Taking a cue from Cate's #EatLiveBe post last week.
What a difference thinking ahead and putting together my lunch and snacks the night before makes. I restocked my fruits and veggies later in the week last week to make sure I could fill my lunch bag with lots of healthy and filling options.
Just getting up in the morning to all ready prepped lunches gets me off to the best start for the day. No rushing around and only getting the kids lunches ready, but having time to eat breakfast at the same time that they are is so nice.
I really wanted to start working out in the mornings before starting my day... so far that hasn't worked. I have a hard time getting moving when its cold AND dark outside. So, for now I'm getting my time in on the treadmill in the evenings. Not my favorite time to do it, but it's what works for now. I've read that as long as you find a time that you can get exercise in, to just go for it.
I made a trip to Trader Joe's last week and spied these cool new {to me} snacks. They are crunchy green beans... it's like eating a chip with a touch of salt, but they are green beans. Totally fills that craving for a crunchy-salty snack in the afternoon. I paired it with some almonds and that got me through the afternoon very nicely.
I've actually found that I'm packing so many healthy options in my lunch bag that I'm not able to finish them all! Feeling satisfied after lunch and my late day snack has made a big difference in the need to go searching for something from the sundry shop in my office building. And, you know what they have in there, right? All pre-packaged sugary snacks or chips. I haven't needed to go visit even for a bottle of water, since I've been bringing my own in a reusable bottle each day this week!
I know that pancetta doesn't seem all that healthy, but it adds a fabulous contrast to the shredded Brussels sprouts and the barley. This is a super easy way to add flavor without having to ransack the pantry looking for inspiration.
I also found some quick cooking barley at Trader Joe's... cooks in 10 minutes so that made this dish come together in less than 20 minutes. Which was perfect since that was how long the London broil need to rest before I could start slicing it.
Make sure to check out Cate, Sarah and Joanne's #EatLiveBe posts to see what they are sharing this week. If you are posting about your own healthy changes in 2013, please leave a link to your post in comments so I can come and support you, too!
In the coming week, my plan is to make sure I am drinking enough water, exercise and find a make-ahead breakfast that I can prepare on Sunday so that I can just grab it in the morning. I find that I need protein in the morning to keep me going, so perhaps I'll try a frittata this weekend.
Warm Barley Salad
- 4 ounces diced pancetta
- 1 cup quick cooking barley
- 2 cups vegetable broth
- 2 1/2 cups Brussels sprouts, shredded
- salt and pepper to taste
- Combine barley and vegetable broth in a pot and bring to a boil. Allow to cook for about 10 minutes.
- While barley is cooking, heat a medium skillet over medium-high heat and add pancetta. Cook until fat begins to render out and the pancetta is lightly browned.
- Add the Brussels sprouts, salt and pepper and allow to cook until the sprouts begin to soften or look "wilted".
- Add the barley to the skillet and stir to combine. Heat until thoroughly warmed and serve immediately.

Please note that all photos and content belong to Patsy Kreitman, unless otherwise noted. If you want to use something please ask first.